does this sound familiar?

You have a growing distrust in the mainstream healthcare/paradigm.

Natural and holistic healthcare alternatives are confusing with all the conflicting opinions.

You're busy and don't have a ton of time to research.

You don't want to waste time and money on trial and error.

You're curious about the connection between physical symptoms and emotional patterns?

You wonder if your past traumatic experiences may be playing a role in your current physical symptoms?

You want a done for you package of wellness products customized to your specific wellness needs and desires.

You are self responsible, curious, freedom & joy loving individual who desires to become your own health authority and learn to solve symptoms for yourself, clients and/or loved ones so you can be free from the fear of illness and pain and unlock freedom, peace and abundance.

I am in!

i am

to tell you, 


you're in the

right place

I understand your distrust of the mainstream healthcare paradigm which has proven to be oppressive and toxic with horrible outcomes. At the same time, alternative or natural medicine is confusing and overwhelming. It is rare for either to address the real problem which is often underlying emotional issues.
That’s why I created the soveREIGN Wellness Blueprint! We take a simple approach to becoming your own health authority and natural wellness. With the hard work done FOR you, our 6 module course and customized product packages put you in the driver’s seat of your unique wellness goals without taking a ton of time away from your busy schedule.

Once you break free from the toxic medical system and natural wellness overwhelm, you’ll feel empowered, have more energy, less pain and be able to solve any symptom with ease and no side effects!

The secret sauce inside the soveREIGN Wellness Blueprint is understanding how emotional trauma is stored in the body and ultimately expresses through physical symptoms. It's time to ask yourself - how much of the symptoms of so called illness have emotional roots? I've known for many years that unresolved emotional trauma contributes to physical symptoms and my research led me to discover the actual data driven science which explains how this all works.

Enter German New Medicine (GNM) or Germanic Healing Knowledge (GHK)

Hi. I’m Amy Killingsworth,

GNM/GHK is a well researched, documented and reliably reproduced method of explaining how an emotionally traumatic event impacts the psyche (seat of thoughts & emotions), then the brain, then the body. If you are concentrating efforts to heal on the physical level without addressing the emotions, you will never get very far.

The bottom line: Your body is not broken but wise beyond belief and everything it does or doesn’t do makes sense and is for the benefit of your survival and adaptation.

With this knowledge, every symptom is rooted in an emotional conflict and when you resolve those conflicts, healing is automatic!

I am in!

The Sovereign Wellness Blueprint is a 5 module, on demand course that walks you through understanding your body from the perspective that it is brilliantly and wonderfully designed. Rather than fear and try to cure/eliminate symptoms, we use them as valuable data to uncover the path to remembering our true identity and reclaiming our birthright of freedom, peace and abundance. In the meantime, we need support from natural products to soothe and support the body as it heals without interfering with toxic medications. The package we send you will do just this, customized to your unique wellness goals, mailed to your doorstep and included in the price.

this is where sovereign wellness was born

01 | nervous system regulation

02 | German New Medicine

Understand your nervous system! Far from being out to get you or sabotaging your quality of life, your body is working diligently to help you survive and adapt. It does this with a built in threat detection protocol via your nervous system. Every symptom, quirk, habit and hang up makes perfect sense when you look at what you’ve been through - and more importantly, how your nervous system interpreted the event. They key to shifting unpleasant symptoms is understanding why they appeared and sending the signal of safety to your nervous system.

This is where we take a deep dive into the 5 biological laws of GNM/GHK to provide a solid scientific framework from which to understand our symptoms and begin to make the connections that ultimately set us free.

03 | Solve Your Symptoms

04 | Become Your own Health authority

Armed with an understanding of the science, we are able to investigate symptoms and use them to provide a roadmap to experiencing the long term healing, freedom and abundance that is our birthright.

Although we don’t want to be dogmatic about diet and lifestyle, these things do make a difference. Symptoms that cannot be explained and unraveled in terms of emotional trauma have their roots in injury, toxicity or nutritional deficiency. We will walk through basic truths of detox and nutrition and discuss how to use your intuition to decide what diet, lifestyle and support methods are uniquely right for you.

05 | Nature’s Medicine & Next Steps

enroll here

Although we don’t look at symptoms as something that need to be suppressed or cured, the healing process can sometimes be uncomfortable and it is helpful to have natural options to comfort and support your body as it heals. Certain plant extracts are brilliant at easing discomfort and helping facilitate the shifts that send the signal of safety to your nervous system. We will also discuss options to continue and get more specific with your healing journey as well as an opportunity to serve others in this work.

Each enrollee in the Sovereign Wellness Blueprint will receive a CUSTOMIZED collection of essential oils and wellness products to assist soothe and support healing.

We have also included 2 recipe books, a food list and pantry staples to help guide you on nourishing your body


A DIGITAL Community where you can ask questions and receive support
A package of wellness products customized to your unique needs and mailed to your doorstep

 A five module COURSE consisting of:



This is for freedom loving, self responsible, curious and open minded women who desire to address the emotional issues that underlie most physical symptoms and simplify natural wellness solutions so they can take back their power from a failing medical establishment and become their own health authority without spending a ton of time.

who is this for?

who is this not for?

If you want to stay stuck in a victim story or outsource your health and wellbeing to an outside authority, this is not the program or community for you.

$311 x 2

pay in full

Total Investment


pay monthly

"Sovereign Wellness has been a game changer in my journey towards healing."

Sovereign Wellness has been a game changer in my journey towards healing. I use a lot of the recipes as I continue in this lifestyle. I also cannot live without the oils and supplements, I use them daily. Sovereign Wellness has been a life saver when it comes to focusing on a non-toxic lifestyle.

Tiffany Brown
Salt Lake City, UT

"Not only do we feel healthier, have better energy & focus but my family has lost weight too!"

Growing up, I was never educated on the importance of nutrition and was so grateful to find Sovereign Wellness in my adult life. I now feel confident in preparing delicious and healthy meals for my family. I love the awesome online portal, videos, shopping lists, meal planning and recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Not only do we feel healthier, have better energy & focus but my family has lost weight too!

Natalie Carson
Las Vegas, NV

"Sovereign Wellness taught me to support my body in alignment with my God-given identity."

Amy shares her personal healing journey with courage and empathy as she teaches self mastery through identity based choices. Her Sovereignty framework and natural wellness expertise taught me to support my body in alignment with my God-given identity, marking the beginning of my own healing journey.

Julia Killian
Normal, IL

"Sovereign Wellness has been life changing."

My experience with Sovereign Wellness has been life changing. It has helped me elevate my wellness and given me a tool to assist my body when it is out of balance. These products will be a part of my day the rest of my life.

Marisa Ramsier
Charlotte, NC